Thursday, April 30, 2015



By Susan Twellman, Co-Owner/Founder of Apriori Beauty, LLC

Apriori Beauty is not your standard Multi-level marketing (MLM) Company you often hear people talking about. One question I get a lot is, “I hear all this stuff about MLMs and how they never work out. Why should I become an Apriori Beauty Consultant?” While there’s a multitude of reasons why Apriori Beauty would be an ideal business choice, I’ll focus on one: it does work and you can achieve financial success!

In 2012, the Network Marketing and Direct Sales industry garnered $167 billion in global sales – $167 BILLION! To give you an idea of competing markets’ sales, Video Gaming brought in a total of $67 billion in 2012, while the Movie industry totaled $80 billion. Network Marketing is more than double that of the Movie industry, proclaiming it as the top money-making profession. Furthermore, roughly $65 Billion of that $167 Billion (40%) Network Marketing garnered was paid directly to distributors (aka Independent Consultants) via commissions and rebates. These are actual numbers people are purchasing and getting paid from MLMs.

Next time someone is apprehensive about becoming involved in a Network Marketing business, let them know there’s a lot of good reasons to be in this business, and there’s a lot of good people in this business taking advantage of the benefits Network Marketing brings. Often times, people don’t realize just how huge the Network Marketing industry is. Unfortunately, they only know about the negative MLM companies that have come and gone. Because I want everyone (not just our incredible Apriori Beauty Consultants) to succeed, I’ve compiled a few tidbits of advice to help get your business started:

1. Be Honest – we often hear how MLMs make false promises. There is no need to over inflate or tell prospects unrealistic successes because it’s not necessary! At Apriori Beauty, we stand behind our products and Compensation Plan 100%. We don’t promise instant success, wealth, and riches. We don’t hide the fact that Network Marketing is still a business and in order for that business to thrive, you have to be willing to put in the time and effort. We have a very clear strategy for growth and work closely with our Consultants to relay that same strategy. We provide training and give them the necessary tools to help build their business and obtain success. We don’t promise instant success, but we do promise that if you work your business and build sales, you will get paid and see your business grow!

2. Keep Your Goals Reasonable -Wouldn’t it be nice if we signed up with a company one day and in less than 24 hours we were all millionaires? Yes, that would be lovely but let’s be honest, it’s not realistic! When you’re training a new Consultant, make sure they are setting up reasonable goals for their business. These goals have to be applicable to their lives and more importantly, they need to be their goals and not yours. Everyone has different schedules, different priorities, and just different paths overall. For some, success comes quickly, while others get there slow and steady. Neither path is wrong; they all lead to the same result: success.

3. Lead by Example – Be the best possible trainer you can be for your new Consultants by showing them how to launch their business and being there for them by answering questions and assisting them when they ask for help. This may involve you going with them to meet with a prospective Client/Consultant or helping them host a Beauty Bar event. The last thing you want to do is sponsor a new Consultant and immediately leave them on their own. Until they know the ropes of the business, they’ll be relying on you to show them the Consultant Back Office and how to register Clients and share the products with their friends and family. This is a great opportunity to form your team and grow not just their business, but yours as well. As we always say, with Apriori Beauty, you’re in business for yourself, but not by yourself.

There’s so many beautiful things that come out of being in Network Marketing. Whether you’re searching for a full-time job, supplemental income, or even friendship, Apriori Beauty has an opportunity for you. To discover Apriori Beauty’s Compensation Plan and see if it’s the business for you click here:

*Data and statistics supplied by

Network Marketing: Breaking Sales Records and Gaining Professions

Thursday, April 16, 2015


Repost Blog from

I can really relate to these cravings:

Weight gain from out-of-control cravings aside, it can be frustrating to have a constant hankering for something unhealthy and not know why. The good news is that there’s usually a reason underlying that burning desire to house a bag of potato chips, or the feeling that you’ll die if you don’t get a pickle rightthisinstant (even though you’re not pregnant).

We talked to Los Angeles based dietitian Shira Lenchewski, M.S., R.D., and got the skinny on some common food cravings, including what you can do to satiate the hunger without going overboard. Keep scrolling for some seriously good information!

If you're craving: Chocolate
It means: You could be lacking magnesium in your diet, says Lenchewski. “Magnesium is an essential mineral involved in energy production, glucose metabolism, and muscle function. This is especially true for those hitting the gym hard,” she explains. Additionally, magnesium levels lower during the pre-menstrual weeks of your period, which explains why PMS so often comes with chocolate cravings.

Instead, reach for: High-quality, low-sugar dark chocolate, which is naturally high in magnesium. “I recommend sticking to 75 percent cocoa or higher, and pairing it with another magnesium-rich source like sunflower seeds,” says Lenchewski. She suggests the chocolate brand Hu, a small-batch food company that focuses on high-quality ingredients produced locally. “It’s a little pricey, but all the more reason to keep portions in check,” she says. “It’s my personal favorite.” 

If you're craving: Candy
It means: “Craving pure sugar is a good indication that you’re running low on energy,” says Lenchewski. “Think about it. What is the one thing you’re itching fo, after a terrible night’s sleep or at around 4 p.m. during a stressful workday? The answer is usually sugar, because it’s used as instant fuel for our body’s cells.”

Instead, reach for: Apples with nut butter. “If you’re raiding your co-workers’ leftover Easter stash, I recommend a more slow-burn carbohydrate with a source of fat or protein,” says Lenchewski. “Unlike simple sugar, this will fuel your cells while avoiding the post-sugar crash. Two options that make for great pick-me-ups the next time you’re craving candy: a sliced apple with your choice of nut butter, or berries with 2 percent unsweetened Greek yogurt.”

 If you're craving: Salt
It means: “If nothing but the saltiest pickle will do, you may not be drinking enough H2O,” says Lenchewski. “Salt helps the body hold on to water, so we crave it when we’re in need of fluids.”
Instead, reach for: Water. “Stay hydrated, especially as we approach the summer months,” she says. The next time a craving hits, try quenching it (literally) with a few refreshing glasses and you might find the urgency to sodium binge disappears. “If plain water bores you, try adding in mint, lemon, or frozen fruit to mix it up,” says Lenchewski. And if that still doesn’t do the trick, there’s a healthier alternative to bagged chips or french fries. “If you’re really just craving salt after all, toasted seaweed is a great low-calorie option,” she says. 

If you're craving: Starchy carbs like bread, bagels, and pasta It means: “Because high-carb foods boost the feel-good hormone serotonin, starch cravings can be a sign you’re in need of a mood booster,” says Lenchewski.

Instead, reach for: A bath! “Bust out the Epsom salts, because it’s time for some serious R+R,” says Lenchewski. “Trust me. Indulging in a starch free-for-all feels really good in the moment, but it will likely bum you out more the next day.” (As anyone who has ever indulged a pizza or pasta craving knows.) So the next time you want to dive head first into a bowl of carbs, draw a bath, light a candle, and treat yourself without any regret or dense calories. 

If you're craving: Rich, creamy dairy
It means: “Your body may be telling you it’s in need of some healthy fat.”
Instead, reach for: Coconut ice cream. “I’m a realist, so if you’re craving ice cream, I’m not going to recommend a handful of walnuts, which are, of course, full of healthy fat,” says Lenchewski. “For ice-cream emergencies, I recommend lower-in-sugar coconut ice-creams like Coconut Bliss or Kippy’s three-ingredient ice cream in Los Angeles.” We can vouch for the fact that coconut ice cream tastes incredible, and just like the real thing. 

If you're craving: A burger
It means: You need iron. “If you can’t stop thinking about red meat, there’s a chance your body is craving iron, b12 and folic acid,” says Lenchewski. “This is especially true during or around that time of the month.”

Instead, reach for: A healthier burger. “I’m a proponent of grass fed, antibiotic and hormone-free red meat once a week,” says Lenchewski. “Try experimenting with an open-faced bison burger—which, cut for cut, is leaner and has more iron than beef.”

I hope this helps you in making bettter choices to have a healthier bodier and fresh, glowing skin.