Wednesday, June 3, 2015




National Making Life Beautiful Day is celebrated annually on June 11.  It is a day dedicated to encouraging and celebrating men and women who are making life beautiful.  Whether you’re creating beauty through building relationships or helping others achieve personal success, one small action can lead to a ripple effect, making life beautiful not just for yourself, but for those around you, too.


Making Life Beautiful Day was submitted by Apriori Beauty and declared by the Registrar of National Day Calendar in April, 2015.  The date was chosen because Apriori Beauty launched their mission to help men and women look and feel beautiful with their availability of their internal and external approach to beauty on June 11, 2009.


JOIN  Apriori Beauty in celebrating by helping someone you know achieve a personal goal, donate time to a worthy cause, help someone less fortunate or just do something nice for someone.

Click here to view and purchase Apriori Beauty's anti-aging skincare products, all on the list.

Register a National Day

Do you have a special day that you would like to be recognized annually?  How about a unique product or service?  Having your own National Day can bring you, your company or cause  special recognition every year.  After acceptance, you will receive the following benefits.   Go to to apply for your National Day  

A press release stating the new designation.

Annual inclusion in the daily post on the website, facebook and twitter.

A professional 18″ x 24″ framed certificate proclaiming your National Day will be sent to you.
A proclamation sent to over 10,000 media that follow National Day Calendar.

Inclusion in our daily radio update heard on hundreds of radio stations in the USA.

The build up to a National Day is great.  News stories, increase in product sales, top of mind awareness and much more can be generated annually.

Many members of the media use National Day Calendar as their source.  Please give as much detail as you can in your application.  The information you provide helps authenticate your claim as well as having a source for the media to report from.

Applications must be sent at least 2 weeks before to be included in the current calendar year.
We also accept one time applications (100th town anniversary, etc .)  Everything stated is the same except for annual inclusion.

Please fill out the form and one of our researchers will verify the information you provide.

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