Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Want to Diagnose Your Digestive Health by Reading Lips?

"It has been said that our mouth is a neon sign of our digestive health”, according to Melanie Sachs, a certified Ayurvedic lifestyle counselor, in an article in Dermascope’s July 2013 issue.  The top of your upper lip can show how your stomach is functioning, and the bottom of the upper lip can show the condition of your small intestine.  Your lower lip reveals the condition of your colon and the corners of the mouth can show how your duodenum is functioning.

If you have swollen lips, you could have an impacted digestive tract, meaning you could be constipated or have a sluggish elimination system.  Adding more foods rich in fiber and consuming more water can help a slow digestive system.

Cold sores around the mouth are caused by a virus that stays in the body and becomes active when the body is more acidic due to spicy, acid-forming foods or alcohol, or exposed to a lot of sun.  Eating plenty of green vegetables can balance out the acidity in the body.

If you lips are cracked or chapped, you could be dehydrated or have consumed too many dry foods such as breads, chips, crackers, or salty foods.  Possibly your gut may need some healthy probiotics such as yogurt or an oral supplement of probiotics to restore gut-friendly bacteria.

If your lips are crusted – lick eczema -  this could be a sign of poor digestion and a lack of quality oils in the diet.  A supplement of one tablespoon of virgin coconut oil or a fish oil supplement may help.

Sticky corners of your mouth can result from some medications, such as those for depression and anxiety.  If you lips burn, this could be a sign of inflammation in your digestive tract or an over active stomach caused by overeating and/or poor food choices.  Also, be sure to chew well and slow down your eating.

A red aura or ring can be caused by an allergy to wheat, milk, soy products or sodas.  Pale lips can be a sign of anemia.

Check out your lips and see if this Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine diagnostic test may apply to you and then try some of the above remedies.
Use Apriori Beauty's Lip and Eye Eraser for ultra hydrating benefits with Apriori Beauty's NutrientReservoir which protects and nourishes skin cells by addressing the 4 core influences of aging:  oxidative stress, genetics, hormonal fluctuation and mitochonodrial function.  This ultra-hydrating, anti-inflammatory eye and lip creme is also sulfate, paraben and fragrance free. http://aprioribeauty.com/bydana
If you have any comments or questions, please email me at danaface12@yahoo.com, or text me at 805-630-5805.   Have a great day!

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